Having exam now actually :PP
But got a ham po called me to update wah =="
Haha, realized that have a long time didnt blog something already O.O!!
The exam was start from the 2nd after holiday =(
Now, it's almost one week already.
Still have another one to suffer =(
The worst thing is still got classes after exam!!!!!! T__T
Seems like rest only a few days? then go to the war already @____@
And the war spend my precious 1month time *FAINT MAN~!
Somehow, feel sick of it k~ Tired la ;'(
Anyway, i'm still lazy as usual, @!*(^@#!S *speechless
Aiks, what a random post Zzzz....
My life really dont have any surprise.
Exam is smiling to me unfriendly, can u see it??!?!
What's the life for??
Why not for enjoy the life, but "struggle for existence"??!?!
And, quite hate that I always think about the wrong thing in this wrong time
Especially that this thing maybe bring hurt ==#
Another fade feeling sometimes recall me ==
Waste my limited memory only Gerr~!
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