Saturday, December 19, 2009

S2 Science Farewell Party

S2 Science Farewell Party

Date : 17th December 2009
Time: Star from 6pm
Place : Berjaya Palace Hotel
Ticket : RM 50 (so expensive =S )

1. Seeto, chailing, and me eating cakes =)

2. Me and Daryl (choosen for the proom-dressed)

3. Seeto, ling, emily, chailing and me ( took in the toilet XD )

4. Chailing ss-ing in the escalator =p

5. me and chailing ( i like this post =) )

6. Again us XD (this looks rude and fat and short me =S )

7. Da he zhao 2 =)

8. Chailing ss-ing 2

9. Leung, adeline, ling, me and kay =)

10. Lovely Friends =DD

11. When I in the final of proom-dressed XD

12. 3 beauty wuakakaka XOXO

13. Black =(

Actually, got many photos d, but they didnt tag or give me =(( Hope that they will =) This party is very OK jiang lur =) got play games, but we didnt play, just walking around there
and playing the escalator haha so naughty us =p I had set my hair and make-up for RM55
my heart and wallet soo hurt T.T the food were soo lame man ==lll not very nice d =( But, it's still ok ok lur =)

Haha, when on the way I back home, suddenly remembered that I didnt take my large bubble bag, gosh so returned back XD At the first, I went to kay'house around erm erm what time liao arh, i forgot already sorry. At her home, current was black out sweat ^^" Then, have again haha =) we play comp and ps =) Then, around 12noon went to fetch apoling and then go to seeto house =) Fisrt time to go to her house. So beautiful and big, so rich la you =p Then, we changed our beautiful clothes and ate PAU =)

Then, go to somewhere at the beverly I dont know to set up and make up. Got the 2010 movie haha =) The hair-style in the books are so NAN DING ohh!!! Then, we go find in net and finally found =D After finished all of that, it's almost 6.30pm already!! So, we rush to the place where we should be there!! Wahh, so many people reached liao lah haha ^^lll dont the Late is our Chinese people's tradition d meh huh??!?!?!

Then, talking and eating, shooting and lame-ing XD On that day, I didnt wear my gold glasses cause thought that it'd be weird =( So, i just can saw the people's shadow =S Blur blur d @-@ some even I dont know who're them and recognized =p Chailing is the gisl that very shocked me on that day!!!!! He, sorry, is SHE changed her looks to a very nice and beautiful girl, not a liangzai or yeng like normal hahahaha =D Leung also made my eyes blink blink oh =p While the Saffy was very sexayy =) we went home around 10.30pm like that. Home, playing RED POINT with my grandmum, mum and 3rd aunt =) I loosed $$$ ::>_<:: haha that's all.....

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell that Daryl and I got the proom-dressed 2nd price *winks. When the semi-final, wanna choosed 5 girls and I'm the one of the five =p When they called my name, I'm veryyyyy shock la please and scare that I'll fall down cause didnt wear glasses, scared that will fall down. If fall down, really tosoi lur then =p When stood on the stage, I'm very scare and nervous. Luckily, leung also choosen and stood beside me =) Then, we talking =p Kay said my act was the largest on the stage among others, so RUDE oh =SSS Haha thanks for your kindly support wuakakaka XD Then, wanna choosed a boy for the girl choosen, see, daryl is my partner then. They in the final from walking a catwalk or something like that and see whether who got the louder yelling and clapping hand. Yeah, as you think haha I in =D Finally, I got the 2nd prize kekekekeke =DD Gifted me a white fake flower LOL ^^lll

Monday, December 14, 2009





年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開心.










原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 ,

她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有100個,

















就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,而女孩刻意與年輕人保持距離的結果,


















可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的娃娃機.

























>>>> i love this!!!!!!!! Today, is the special day, is the day i thought i will see H again. But... well it's failed... You're the someone special for me, if you gone i'll gonna miss you and wish you do the best! I, maybe not gonna tell you everything, because I'm very scare, scare that i'll hear somthing that's too hurt... I'm really hope that all of this will never happen!!! I hate, hate all of this, what make me so hurt... I cant accept what is the FACT, I CANT!!! you're gone, i dont know how to continue all of it.. you're near me in the past, you had stay in the same place for 3 years in the past... But, last year, the GOD was playing a game, a cruel game, that separate us!!! Although i know that you're not care of them and all of it, but I care!! I'd really hoped that we can continue the memory( for me) but see that's nothing happened. Again, this year, i had a bubble hope huh!!! Why??!!! Why YOU dont let us be together??!! At least, in the same space... Well, I dont even know tht that is my last chance.. You''ll go away... I... have a word to say nothing now... BYE BYE....... =)

... T_T

Humour 3








another blog post Zzzzzz


this is my second humour found =) enjoy !








Boring + Humour

today is the last day i take my SPM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally finish liao yahooo!~ haha kasian d hamppo men XD good luck for your all geography yeah =) bless you wakakaka XD but, i'm so damn boring since stuck under my red roof T.T so online lur Zzzz and found this humour!! So sweat man ==lll enjoy it =)




女(羞):「好…好啊… 」

男:「我们在床上比较好? 」


男:「我们盖上棉被比较好?? 」



男(在被窝中):「妳看!!!我的手錶有夜光功能!!! 」




这是个前一阵在网路里讨论的很热烈的话题,不可否认我也确实经历过这种事情.常常一个人在家的时候,或者是下午,或者是晚上,哪怕不是一个人在家,只要是 家里很安静的时候.就可能听见楼上像是有玻璃球,或者钢珠,从高处掉落在木地板,或者很坚硬的地板上的声音,不停的弹~弹~弹..直到声音越来越小最后消失.

我当初念中学时常常听到,也没太在意,认为楼上的小孩子 掉东西太寻常了,何况那时候玻璃珠又不是什麼好希奇的玩意.现在已经几年没有听到过了,但看到网路里突然有许多人经历过同样的事情,感觉越来越奇怪,甚至 有人说住顶楼的人也听过,甚至有人说楼上从来没住过人的人也听过,越说越悬..让人想著脊背发凉,再仔细一想,我初中的时候也是住的顶楼啊,但我记忆中确 定有初中时听到这种声音的痕跡!

按网路上比较科学的解释,这种声音不是发自自然界的声音,而是来自于人的大脑皮层,由于疲劳或者什麼什麼原因,大脑里產生了这样那样的什麼信号,然后导致 什麼什麼效应.. 所以听到弹珠弹地声 (由于科学的解释我没有仔细去记,所以只好用很肤浅的语句带过),就我个人来说,我是比较相信这种说法的.



人进化了数百万年,人的身上到底有多少潜能有待开发,我们还暂时未能下定论.但就目前的科学解释来说,梦境只是过去发生的事情残留在脑海里的印象,因此梦 只能显示一些过去的事,或者这麼说并不正确,应该是梦境只能显示残缺的,被我们潜意识里拼凑过的过去的印记.而不可能预知未来.




我总是在比较疲倦的情况下,一挨著床,眼看马上就要睡著了,已经开始有点做梦的感觉了,结果突然猛的一坠! 然后可能附带著还有脚的抽动或者手的抽动,然后突然惊醒.按他们的说法是, 当灵魂正要飘离身体, 却被身体警觉, 然后猛然惊醒..

不过, 还是按科学的理解, 我觉得应该是在人极度疲倦的时候, 大脑比身体先进入睡眠状态的情况下发生的. 一般来说, 睡眠应该是身体先入睡, 然后大脑慢慢进入 睡眠状态(但同时仍然保持部分功能运转, 也就是大脑不可能完全不转了),但这种情况出现时的大脑, 应该是由于疲倦而过早于身体进入睡眠状态, 但却因为身体 部分组织和机体的正常状态的运转而惊醒.

haha XD i have all this 3 experiences before XD especially the second one XD well, this is the things that maybe we can use "SCIENCE" to explain huh?? haha just let it be =p

p/s: this is the post what i copy from some website not my own creating sorry. But I think this is something that interesting haha =D
*********** the word's front size got a problem sorry ^^" just refresh it to get a larger front =) ***********

Friday, September 18, 2009

Bonding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a bonding hir finally!!!!!!!!!!! I go to bond it on in the August holiday d =) So happy huh?! XD Erm, the fee is RM160 so expensive gong T.T the boss said it was very cheap already wah Pui!~ Shien just RM108+3 treatment, Kong Koli RM90+3treatment. While me ??!! RM130+no treatment! >_<>_<:: But, I like my hair now =p Straight and dry? yeah it's a bit dry till my hair tail fighing there yish! I'm a bit comb them rudely huh XD erm, dont when it will change to original one. Scare =S so, I take care my hair carefully now ??!! Haha, have many people said that I'm not that nerd like before already XD And changed a lot too huh?! Erm, i dont think so =) Just do what the normal girl will do i think so XD If you go to my school, you'll see that alomost the girl have rebonding hair man ^^lll Also got the curl hair. So beautiful =^^= Actually, I desire have a curly hair but my hair is not that long so sighing give it up already =( Wait my hair to long then go!!! Yaoo~ XD

Happened in 31.08.09

=Happened in 31.08.09=

Something happened just now make me so sad. Feel like i wanna escpe from everthing. Thinking about what's the meaning and the aim that i born to this world. I can do nothing just can let it happened in my eyes. Why ??? My mind full of question marks now. ?????????????? Sometimes, I believe that ll of you are happy and have wonderful life. But why i am that especially one, no excuse to have any what you all have? am i the people who had forgotten by God???!

Haha, shien said that my english have proven already XD thanks a lot =)
And thnk you to who cares for me =) Arigato gozaimaszu

Sunday, August 30, 2009



Haha i'm blogging again sorry if you're waiting for my blog =) Yay, tomorrow is National Day!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH !!!
Today, my network was so lack =( everything just loading loading loading... Well, although i know that there has many homeworks are waiting for me to catch up. But, i'm so lazy Zzz... Wanna see that what will the situation I died for after school reopen XD Opps, have i told you all that i have my school holiday now ??! but, school reopen on TUE !!! No time!!!!!!!!!!! sighing~ I'm really think that my this short holiday was not a holiday since i was so damn busy =( project..drama..homework..past years..tuition...account..etc. #@%$&%^&#^! What an "examiner" ??!! I'm quite angry with myself >_< wanna sit for SPM already still always playing T.T you really wanna die in your SPM, Wong Yee Lyen ???!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sun Sea Coconut , I'm sleepy @~@


My younger sister & me =)

Today, my mum back home from her work early ?!?!
Suddenly, she said that she havent eat her lunch lor
Then, sister bot liam sim said wanna go to beach XD
So, go lur go lur @~@ But, I'm so lai wanna at home
But finally, I was going too Zzzz..
Prepare from 2pm - 3pm ??!!
OMG!! What were we doing there o??!!
My mum wanna angry liao =p Sorry mum
Then, we go to eat lur Yummy Yummy ^^
The cendol made me want vomit pula ==lll
After that, go around there and took some pictures
Somebody said wanna go to Sunny Market XD
Waoliao, y.sister & me bought these bought that
macam no need to pay the $$$ !! Wakakakakak =D
At home, I terus meet with "zhou gong" liao @_@
Yay!~ Tomorrow I go to class trip lur! Happy nah!~
We go to Langkah Syabas but dont know where's it =p

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Give Up

Haiz!~ Sometimes, I'm always think that : " is it true to have my own blog ??!! "
Why should i have a blog ??? What is the aim ???
What is the uses ??? and WH- and How questions bla bla bla...
Sighing... I'm very sad for many things
Sorry for that I cant tell you all even though I know that
nobody wanna know me, care me, like me, hate me d got a lot la
hahhaha.... What's my wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont know why... I cant find the answer, nobody tell me too
haha... What is my life? Who is my friends ? Who am I ?
Sometimes, I'm feel that I'm lonely... Just me, nobody...
I'm try to give up a thing right now...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday VUN

Happy Birthday VUN

that day, Thurday (7.05.09) is Vun Nyet Ba's birthday. Haha, me, ling, ging, bong, kaykay and ang had "kapp-ed" to give him a present--a cup XD and that day, have 2 cakes for his celebration. Then, somebody said that wanna we go out?? then, we discussed there lur XD so "sambat" like that =p But, many people "fang fei ji" T.T but never mind still had many people went d still okok d la XD this is the picture what we took at 1 Borneo after watched the movie that called -- Star Freck ?!!! haha =) I think that movie is still okok la, about something space?? universe?? alien?? haha I dont know how to described it =p Waliaowei, I ate till very full @~@ secret recipe + old town ^^lll

LINE wee~

LINE wee~

erm... 0.0 seems like I didnt update my blog a long time ago bah! XD hehe sorry just because no time sighing!~ But now I have my OWN line liao!~ Wooo~~ Wee~~ wuakakakaka XD gonna crazy =p then I think that may let me have more time to online lo =) happy nah!~ I think that's impossible to have line before. But, now you see that impossible thing is happen now. I'm very happy really by my heart. So, it means that I can always what what liao la XD

But, I am scaring... I scare that maybe have something bad to me. I dont know what will happen la. But, this really bring me many feelings and something that hard to say. Sighing~

Friday, April 10, 2009

1st of 2009

Ist of 2009

Haha I think this might be my 1st post on 2009 XD
I'm really busy and have no chance to online T.T
Like the "facebook" I'm almost didnt sign in
about 2-3 weeks liao @~@
My life ??!
Erm a bit "suang" and a bit "bo liao"
and a bit sad and a bit something #$%#$#

This year is very special for me
because I've take part in many things
or activity or what what like that ^^
Sport Day's dancing la...
Scout Camp 2009 la...
Sambat sambat go to take extra subject
which are Akaun + Chi Lit.
Sighing!~ I dont know whether I can
manage them or not since
I'm very stupid you know =(

I'd go to stage to take a prize nah !~
=p although it is not a what "babi" thing
But this is my firt time =D
COngratulation me =p

Erm this time d MTE ,
I'd get a not really good result
After S2, all the things have
becoming more difficult
Is it I'm become more lazier or what else ?
I dont know ... really...
I just know that this year I'll take
an very important exam --- SPM !!!!

You may ask me what is my plan ???
Haiz!~~~ I'm stil havent plan them yet
Lazy ?? No time ??? Scare ????
And the ENGLISH so S* man!!!
So difficult !!!!!!!!! Oh my god~
And another bla bla bla
Oh!! BM too ...
What the h* o ???

That's all =)
I wanna go home liao ^^