Friday, September 18, 2009

Bonding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a bonding hir finally!!!!!!!!!!! I go to bond it on in the August holiday d =) So happy huh?! XD Erm, the fee is RM160 so expensive gong T.T the boss said it was very cheap already wah Pui!~ Shien just RM108+3 treatment, Kong Koli RM90+3treatment. While me ??!! RM130+no treatment! >_<>_<:: But, I like my hair now =p Straight and dry? yeah it's a bit dry till my hair tail fighing there yish! I'm a bit comb them rudely huh XD erm, dont when it will change to original one. Scare =S so, I take care my hair carefully now ??!! Haha, have many people said that I'm not that nerd like before already XD And changed a lot too huh?! Erm, i dont think so =) Just do what the normal girl will do i think so XD If you go to my school, you'll see that alomost the girl have rebonding hair man ^^lll Also got the curl hair. So beautiful =^^= Actually, I desire have a curly hair but my hair is not that long so sighing give it up already =( Wait my hair to long then go!!! Yaoo~ XD

Happened in 31.08.09

=Happened in 31.08.09=

Something happened just now make me so sad. Feel like i wanna escpe from everthing. Thinking about what's the meaning and the aim that i born to this world. I can do nothing just can let it happened in my eyes. Why ??? My mind full of question marks now. ?????????????? Sometimes, I believe that ll of you are happy and have wonderful life. But why i am that especially one, no excuse to have any what you all have? am i the people who had forgotten by God???!

Haha, shien said that my english have proven already XD thanks a lot =)
And thnk you to who cares for me =) Arigato gozaimaszu